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Happiness Lyrics

Opening Statement:
I experience joy & laughter everyday

Verse 1:
I am happy, I am joyful
I am fulfilled with all that I have now

I often do things purely for the fun of it
I know how to be playful and have fun

I bring my own joy into every situation
I allow myself to feel good

I am the source of my own happiness!
Feelings of joy flow naturally and easily
I feel happy in this moment

Verse 2:
I can smile and choose to feel joy at any time
One happy moment will create a thousand more

I can do the things that make me happy starting right now!
I pursue what is meaningful to me

I am fully focused on the here and now
I pour love & attention into all that I do

I am the source of my own happiness!
Feelings of joy flow naturally and easily
I am creating lasting happiness

What does happiness feel like?
What activities bring me joy?
In what ways can I share joy with others?
What do I feel happy about right now?

Now is the best time of my life
Everything is going my way!
I am so happy right now

All Lyrics © Copyright Mantra Made Easy 2018