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Romantic Relationship Lyrics

Opening Statement:
Today is the day I could meet my true love

Verse 1:
I am attractive, I am desirable
I deserve to be loved and adored

I am open, I am available
Someone out there is looking for me

I feel confident about who I am
The sexiest thing I can do is be myself

Finding love is joyful and easy
I believe it can happen for me
I am attracting love

Verse 2:
There is an abundance of great partners to choose from
For someone out there, I am the best that there is

Love can show up in many different forms
I will easily recognize one that is right for me

I exhibit the qualities my ideal mate would be attracted to
I am becoming the kind of partner I seek

Finding love is joyful and easy
I am ready to receive my romantic relationship
Love is on its way

What does love feel like?
How can I physically prepare to receive my relationship?
What do I have to offer a romantic partner?
How will I feel when I have found my love?

I am in a loving committed relationship
We share laughter and joy everyday
Thank you for bringing my love to me

All Lyrics © Copyright Mantra Made Easy 2018