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Health Well-being Lyrics

Opening Statement:
I am in perfect alignment with well being

Verse 1:
I am healthy, I am strong
I feel peaceful and balanced

My body is lean and flexible
My mind is alert & calm

I listen to the signals of my body and give myself what I need
I know how to take good care of myself

It is easy to make choices that enhance my well being
Taking good care of myself is my number one priority
I am getting healthier and stronger every day

Verse 2:
I enjoy exercise & healthy eating
I sleep well every night

I explore creative activities, and do things that bring me joy
I pursue what is meaningful to me

I nourish myself with uplifting resources
I create an environment for health and well being

It is easy to make choices that enhance my well being
Taking good care of myself is my number one priority
I see myself as healthy and whole

In what ways am I experiencing health right now?
What healthy habits do I practice everyday
What simple pleasures do I enjoy?
What does health and wellbeing feel like to me?

It is easy to make healthy choices
Taking good care of myself is my number one priority
Well-being flow through me

All Lyrics © Copyright Mantra Made Easy 2018