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Calm Peace Lyrics

Opening Statement:
I have the ability to stay calm in any situation

Verse 1:
I am calm, I am relaxed
I feel peaceful and content

I am completely secure within myself
I always feel at ease

I can easily access inner peace anywhere, anytime
I know the way

Chorus 1:
I allow my mind to fall into stillness
I peacefully relax into the now
I welcome peace into my life

Verse 2:
I can create peace within my heart
My inner calm is stronger than anything

I take time to sit in stillness
In this quiet, my inner guidance can clearly be heard

I treat everyone with kindness and understanding
The peace I feel within benefits everyone around me

Chorus 2:
I allow my mind to fall into stillness
I breathe deep, and feel the peace that arises
I am calm in this moment

Where do I feel most at peace?
When will take time to be still today?
What gesture of peace can I offer someone else?
What does peace feel like?

Chorus 3:
I allow my mind to rest in stillness
I peacefully relax into the now
I am a source of peace

Closing Statement:
I am always in touch with the peace that comes from within
and lovingly surrounds us all

All Lyrics © Copyright Mantra Made Easy 2018